Georgia Sexual Harassment Lawyer
All Georgia employees regardless of gender, rank or job title are entitled to work in an environment free of unwanted sexual advances or hostility. Sadly, this is not always the case. Despite most organizations educating employees about what constitutes as sexual harassment, every year numerous cases are still reported. If you feel like you are being sexual harassed at work or that you are forced to work in a hostile work environment with co-workers saying or doing things that generally make you uncomfortable, you may have a sexual harassment claim. Call the Georgia Personal Injury Lawyers at The Berry Law Group, LLC for a free consultation.
Click here to contact a sexual harassment lawyer or here to learn more about Inappropriate Touching law
What is Sexual Harassment?
Sexual harassment law is a form of discrimination and is set by the Civil rights Act of 1964. It includes any unwelcome sexual advances such as verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature or requesting sexual favors. If these acts interfere with your job or make you uncomfortable, it is considered sexual harassment and it is against the law.
If you have been a victim of sexual harassment, call the sexual harassment attorneys. Our lawyers are hardworking, knowledgeable and, perhaps most importantly, sensitive. No matter what type of sexual harassment you've been facing, we will listen to you and explain to you what to do next. Call us today for a free consultation at (678) 677-2263.
Quid Pro Quo
When a higher-up offers you a promotion, preferential treatment or something else of value in exchange for sexual favors, inappropriate touching, etc, this is considered quid pro quo sexual harassment. Federal and Georgia law protect you from this type of treatment.
Hostile Work Environment
If co-workers' words or actions are sexually charged and make you uncomfortable, this is considered a hostile work environment. Employers have a responsibility to make their employees feel comfortable while at the office. If the employer fails to control the unwelcome verbal or physical sexual conduct in an office, you may have a sexual harassment claim.
Unfortunately, sexual harassment is often hard to prove. That is why you will need a hard working dedicated Georgia sexual harassment lawyer who will fight for your rights every step of the way. Having an experienced lawyer gives you your best chance at gaining reinstatement or recovering back pay and damages for emotional distress.