The Personal Injury Legal Process
Speaking with a Personal Injury Lawyer
If you feel you may have a personal injury case, consulting with a law firm is cost and obligation free. Generally, there are some basics to keep in mind. But remember – the law in Georgia is filled with exceptions and limitations. Never rely on general information to make decisions about proceeding with your case. If you have been injured due to another party's negligence, it is vital that you speak to a personal injury lawyer right away.
Notice of Representation
There is a 2 year statute of limitations for filing a lawsuit for personal injuries in Georgia. Well before this point, the insurance company (or responsible party in cases of no insurance) is usually contacted in an attempt to settle the case without litigation. Our law firm does this formally by providing notice of representation and then sending a demand package including medical bills and a narrative of the incident and injuries.
Settlement Attempt
This demand package asks for a dollar amount (determined by you the client) asking for settlement. If the other side does not wish to settle, we file a lawsuit. Even after suit is filed, most cases don't go to trial, but settle at some point. It is always the client's decision of whether you want to accept the settlement or if you want a trial.
Pre-trial and Discovery
Depending on what county your case is in, your trial can come up right away or take years. There is typically a minimum of 6 months of “discovery” or evidence gathering prior to being placed on a jury trial calendar. This period can be extended in some cases. Sometimes, usually on smaller claims, a trial before a judge is used to get into court faster. In other cases, mediation is the best way to get a case settled.
We pride ourselves on being trial lawyers first and foremost, so we fight cases to get you your best results. If we cannot reach a settlement that you are happy with, we are always prepared to go to trial. Our Personal Injury Lawyers are hardworking and have experience fighting for clients in numerous jury trials. In any event, getting yourself treatment and getting your health back is the top priority. Leave the law to us and we can guide you through this difficult time in your life.